Last updated on: 9/24/2019 | Author:

1893-1894 – Indian Hemp Commission Mentions Several Medical Uses of Cannabis

“Concern about cannabis as an intoxicant leads the government of India to establish the Indian Hemp Commission of 1893-1894 to examine the question of cannabis use in India.”

The report mentions the use of cannabis as an “analgesic, a restorer of energy, a hemostat, an ecbolic [to induce contractions], and an antidiaretic.” Cannabis is also “mentioned as an aid in treating hay fever, cholera, dysentery, gonorrhea, diabetes, impotence, urinary incontinence, swelling of the testicles, granulation of open sores, and chronic ulcers. Other beneficial effects attributed to cannabis are prevention of insomnia, relief of anxiety, protection against cholera, alleviation of hunger and as an aid to concentration of attention.”